Thursday, 21 April 2016

An Inside Job

Was 9/11 an inside job designed to turn the world on Islam and Muslims? For some, the answer to that question is yes.

Theories have been circulating about the real events of 9/11 ever since it occurred. Some believe the destruction of the twin towers was a controlled explosion, and that the Jews were behind the attacks, with the 'evidence' being that allegedly not a single Jew had been killed in the attack, and that many facts didn't add up . However, a quick search for those that were killed during the events, proves this to be untrue. It perhaps comes as no surprise that these rumors were spread by Hezbollah's al-Manar and Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Several whistle-blowers have come out over the years to give a 'true' account of what happened on that fateful day. This, coupled with the fact that the United States have not fully co-operated with external investigations into 9/11 have only fed into conspiracy theorists minds. What gives this theory that 9/11 was an inside job more support, is that it is not limited to your 'typical' conspiracy theorists. Pilots, Architects and Engineers  have all spoken out against the governments version of events.

Questionable events include:

  • George Bush Seniors meeting with Salem bin Laden around the time of the attacks
  • Military conducting drills and exercises on 9/11
  • No pictures or videos of the plane that hit the Pentagon
  • Stock sale before 9/11 of United and American airline, the same airline as the planes that crashed
  • An Israeli-owned company was allowed 72 hours of unlimited and unsupervised access to the WTC properties the weekend before the attack
  • Days before 9/11, they got rid of bomb sniffing dogs that had patrolled the WTC since the 1993 attack 
  • The USA air defense system failed on the day
  • Was flight 93 shot down?
  • How were the hijackers allowed on board considering they would have been flagged up by computers due to being under surveillance for years
  • Did Bush allow it to happen so he could then invade Iraq with a valid reason and the backing of the country? 
  • and many more....
There have since been many documentaries produced which go into further detail on this conspiracy theory.  When faced with overwhelming 'evidence' it it understandable to see why many people are beginning to doubt the Bush administrations version of events which are unclear and because they are considered to have an agenda. This is further compounded by a poll which found 84% of Americans reject the official 9/11 story. Where do you stand amongst all of this confusion?

Monday, 18 April 2016

The Secret Brotherhood

The Freemasons are a fraternal organisation which can be traced back to the 14th century. Members congregate in what is known as a Masonic Lodge, where they hold their meetings. No one can know for certain when or how the first Masonic Fraternity was formed, but the most widely accepted theory is that it arose from the stonemasons guild in the Middle Ages. Worldwide there are approximately six million Freemasons. Freemasonry is considered one of the world's oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisation. Members are expected to be of high moral standing.

Rules for joining are : 
  • you must be a male
  • you must believe in a God 
  • you cannot discuss religion and politics
The purpose to being a Freemason appears to be to so that you are amongst like-minded people, who all believe in a supreme being and are concerned with moral and spiritual values. A Freemason is taught moral lessons by a series of ritual dramas- a progression of allegorical plays performed at each Lodge. It is these rituals, which follow ancient stonemasons' customs that are considered to be suspicious, along with their secrecy surrounding the organisation. Basic Freemasonry consists of three degrees:
  • Entered Apprentice 
  • Fellow Craft
  • Master Mason
Each of the degrees requires the candidate to participate in the drama being presented. 

A Freemason must never admit to being a Freemason, with secret handshakes used as a sign for members to recognize one another. The group also has many symbols including the square and compass shown above, and the masonic eye, shown below. Square and Compasses are often seen with the letter G in the middle. The G symbolizes geometry, which is seen as enabling the masons to better unravel the mysteries of the world and nature. G also stands for God, the primary requirement for membership. According to ancient customs, an atheist cannot be a Freemason as the belief in God is considered to be the center of ones life and is hence placed at the center of the symbol. The masonic eye as shown below is reminiscent of the Illuminati all-seeing eye, therefore it should come as no surprise that the group is also considered to be behind world domination through infiltrating the world of banking and politics. Although, for obvious reasons, it is near impossible to identify who was a Freemason, it is thought that the founding fathers of America, Presidents of the United States, famous military and political leaders were all Freemasons. So, what do you think about Freemasonry? It is really just an exclusive boys club or is there more to it that meets the eye?

Saturday, 16 April 2016

The Satanic Gospel

Also  known as the Devils Bible, or the Grand Grimoire, the Satanic Gospel is thought to be one of the Vatican's biggest kept secrets. Said to have been discovered in Jerusalem in 1750 AD, it is thought to have been written much earlier. It is claimed that the book was written or derived from a book written by Honorius of Thebes who may have been Pope Honorius III.

The theory claims that Honorius was either Satan himself, or possessed by the devil so he could write the book. It is therefore unsurprising to learn that the book's contained instructions to summon Satan anytime as well as any other demons. The book is also thought to give proof of the miracles in the Bible, and even Satan's sketches of Jesus and Judas, which is unusual to say the least. As expected however, theorists claim that the book is supernatural and cannot be destroyed through worldly means.

Now you might be asking yourselves, how can we be sure it even exists? I mean its supposedly kept in the Vatican secret archives which no one can access to prove the book does exist.However, the Roman Catholic church have claimed official ownership of it. Although very little is known about the book today, it is certainly interesting to think about.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

A New World Order

Who would've thought the American dollar could cause so much controversy?

However, it has become associated with the most famous conspiracy theory of the 21st century, the idea that a group of individuals, known as the Illuminati controls the world. Meaning, ' the enlightened ones', this secret society is seen as the puppeteers, pulling the strings behind the scenes. and thought to have infiltrated and gained control of everything from media to government, politics and banking. The term 'New World Order' (NWO)gained prominence following its usage by politicians such as Winston Churchill and George Bush. The term refers to a new period in history following the world wars where people could live without fear of the government. The Illuminati is thought to be an elite society, and is linked to several American banking families such as the Rothschild,Rockefeller,Carnegie,Morgan,Ford and Chase. The American banking system is thought to have financed the Illuminati's plans of world domination. For a secret society, it's pretty well known.

The Illuminati is also thought to use hidden symbolism in everyday life to subconsciously send a message and control our thoughts. The most famous symbol is that of the Freemasons, which is the all-seeing eye, as seen on the American dollar. Along with symbols are secret hand signs and gestures. The most famous being the diamond sign, made famous by rapper Jay Z who used it as the sign for his record-labels, Roc-A-Fella (sound familiar?), Def Jam and Roc Nation.

 However, the Illuminati conspiracy took off with Youtube channel ' The Arrivals', which made the rounds on the internet. Soon other documentaries  began to set out to unveil the mysteries surrounding the Illuminati and it's affiliated conspiracy theories. What is even more sinister, is the alleged killings of celebrities and high ranking officials by the Illuminati in order to comply and not release any insider information.

The most common conspiracy theory states that it is tied up with devil worship and this is how the society has gained its followers and become successful. The number of the beast, 666 and devil horns in media, particularly the entertainment industry is thought to be a subliminal message.

So what do you think? Is it far reaching or could there be some truth to these claims?

Monday, 11 April 2016

The HoloHoax

How can you deny the holocaust? This is no doubt the question that's running in your mind. However a global survey  found that 26% of the world harbored anti-Semitic attitudes, the greatest region being the Middle Eastern North African (MENA) which has a 74% rate. Furthermore, 32% of the global population believed the holocaust was either a myth or has been greatly exaggerated. The following table from the survey breaks down the views according to region.

It may come as no surprise that the Muslim world harbors a greater than average anti-Semitic view given it's history with Israel and Judaism. However, denial of the Holocaust is actually a criminal offense in almost 20 countries, which only fuels the conspiracy theorists.
The Holohoax theories vary in belief, but the most popular theories scale from denying the holocaust ever existed and was an inside Jewish Zionist conspiracy to garner international support for the Jews to claim Israel, to claiming that although it did occur, the death count and treatment of Jews is exaggerated, and some theorists even argue that Anne Frank's diary is a forgery and the gas chambers at Auschwitz didn't exist. Despite the overwhelming evidence arguing against these claims, there are still many who are in denial over the atrocities which occurred.

If you ever came across a Holocaust denier, what would you say to them? 

Friday, 8 April 2016

The Scientology $cam


“You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.”

A direct quote from founder of Scientology, Ron L.Hubbard, a science fiction writer who created his own religion which evolves around the evil alien overlord Xenu who bought his people to Earth 75 million years ago and killed them all, and the evil spirits (thetans) of these beings now stick to humans and cause spiritual harm. Naturally, the one way to save yourself is to become a Scientologist and move up the bridge of total freedom, which consists of many levels, all of which can only be accessed by attending courses which cost a hefty amount.  Coincidence?  This part of Scientology is notably absent from its official website, and this is due to the fact that this teaching is only revealed to those who have completed all of  the necessary extremely expensive courses beforehand.  Scientologists have tried hard to suppress this information from being leaked and it's not hard to imagine why when it reads like a bad science fiction novel. 

However this isn't the only reason Scientology has come under scrutiny, the church is often labelled a cult which uses manipulation and blackmail to extort money out of its followers and gain media and political influence. It is also believed Scientology targets celebrity recruits, the two most famous and outspoken being Tom Cruise and John Travolta, to endorse Scientology publicly in return for helping them in their careers. Cruise's infamous couch jumping episode on Oprah definitely ensured media interest in Scientology as has other events such as his wife's silent birth in accordance with Scientology teachings, and controversy surrounding the death of John Travolta's son.
It is also no secret that it's not easy to leave Scientology, with testimonies from 'survivors' outline the abuse they endured when attempting to leave, and mysterious disappearances of prominent Scientologists. Several conspiracy theories are floating around, perhaps the most disturbing being Operation Snow White, which resulted in Scientologists infiltrating the US Government in the 1970's to steal records on Scientology as well as money from the IRS and blackmailing government officials. What is perhaps more shocking, is that Operation Snow White was proven to be true, and  11 Scientology executives were convicted by the federal courts for their involvement, including the wife of Ron L.Hubbard. So whilst many think of Scientology as being the money-making religion of the rich and famous, evidence suggests its political and social influence are not to be underestimated. 

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Holy Matrimony

If you have ever read or seen 'The Da Vinci Code' then you'll be all too familiar with the Jesus had a wife and child theory. Dan Brown, the author, stated this theory was based on the Gnostic Gospels, a set of  54 texts which made up the 'secret' Gospels which prove that Jesus had an intimate relationship with Mary Magdalene. Brown focused on the theory of the Holy Grail; he argues that the Grail which is though to refers to the cup of the last supper and the object from where Jesus' blood was collected following his crucifixion, is in fact a metaphor to the womb of  Mary Magdalene through which she carried the bloodline of Christ.The book states the church had kept this a secret due to a fear that the child of Christ would overthrow Peter as the next apostle.

The book was a world-wide best seller following its release in 2003, and spent 2 years on the New York Times bestseller list. Brown drew on a whole host of conspiracy theories in his book, the main ones being;

  • The Bible was compiled by the emperor Constantine
  •  Jesus' divinity was decided upon at the council of Nicea
  • A secret brotherhood called the Priory of Sion kept the secret of the holy marriage
  • The Opus Dei are a Vatican-sanctioned Catholic sect who were tasked with killing the heir of Christ. 

If proved right however, the theory that there is an existing  royal bloodline would effectively crumble the foundations of Christianity. Also, by implying the church had kept this secret for over 2000 years, it would no doubt raise more questions about what else the church has been hiding.

Although Brown portrays his book as being based on facts, historians have said otherwise . Whilst it is generally understood that at first following the death of Jesus, there was no definitive list of writings to make up the Biblical canon, it was however settled and compiled by the 4th century AD.
As far as evidence for this theory goes, the New Testament provides no evidence on Jesus' marital state, indicating he wasn't married, and some scholars would argue this view is only compounded by the fact that Jesus advocated celibacy(Matthew 19:10-12). The authenticity of the 'Gospels' have also come under scrutiny, and they aren't part of the standard Biblical canon.

Despite the overwhelming lack of evidence surrounding Brown's 'factual' book, which is based on the book 'The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail'  (seem familiar?) , the conspiracy theories regarding Jesus' divinity, Jesus' secret bloodline and his marriage continue to keep theorists busy.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Open your minds sheeple!


Just some of the words that get thrown about when discussing whichever new crazed conspiracy theory has been making the rounds on the internet. I'm sure we've all been the recipients of email letters warning us of the next big threat and how we could raise awareness by forwarding it to at least 20 people within the next 2 hours, a loved one would die. So it should come as no surprise that humans have been indulging in scare tactics for a very long time. and this is the reason why, in my blog,I will be discussing religious conspiracy theories, and what the consequences would be if they were proven to be true.

Now, despite the stereotype that conspiracy theory fanatics are usually a few screws too loose, a surprising number of people have claimed to believe in some sort of conspiracy theory. Research has shown that up to 28% of Americans believe there is a conspiracy amongst the global elite to establish a  new world order, a simple YouTube search for conspiracy theories brings up 2,390,000 results, and  you only have to bring up certain words such as 9/11, death of Princess Diana, and area 51 to be proven that  people are more susceptible to conspiracy theories than you think.

So what exactly makes someone a believer? According to this study published in the journal, Applied Cognitive Psychology, a lack of control is usually a common factor among theorists, along with a fear of the unknown. This makes sense when considering the fact that conspiracy theories usually focus on  real life events and provide an answers, especially when none can be given by authorities, or that which is given is interpreted as a lie. Extreme conspiracy theorists can also be driven by mental health issues, leading to paranoia which in turn leads to finding the 'hidden truth' in conspiracy theories.