Monday, 18 April 2016

The Secret Brotherhood

The Freemasons are a fraternal organisation which can be traced back to the 14th century. Members congregate in what is known as a Masonic Lodge, where they hold their meetings. No one can know for certain when or how the first Masonic Fraternity was formed, but the most widely accepted theory is that it arose from the stonemasons guild in the Middle Ages. Worldwide there are approximately six million Freemasons. Freemasonry is considered one of the world's oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisation. Members are expected to be of high moral standing.

Rules for joining are : 
  • you must be a male
  • you must believe in a God 
  • you cannot discuss religion and politics
The purpose to being a Freemason appears to be to so that you are amongst like-minded people, who all believe in a supreme being and are concerned with moral and spiritual values. A Freemason is taught moral lessons by a series of ritual dramas- a progression of allegorical plays performed at each Lodge. It is these rituals, which follow ancient stonemasons' customs that are considered to be suspicious, along with their secrecy surrounding the organisation. Basic Freemasonry consists of three degrees:
  • Entered Apprentice 
  • Fellow Craft
  • Master Mason
Each of the degrees requires the candidate to participate in the drama being presented. 

A Freemason must never admit to being a Freemason, with secret handshakes used as a sign for members to recognize one another. The group also has many symbols including the square and compass shown above, and the masonic eye, shown below. Square and Compasses are often seen with the letter G in the middle. The G symbolizes geometry, which is seen as enabling the masons to better unravel the mysteries of the world and nature. G also stands for God, the primary requirement for membership. According to ancient customs, an atheist cannot be a Freemason as the belief in God is considered to be the center of ones life and is hence placed at the center of the symbol. The masonic eye as shown below is reminiscent of the Illuminati all-seeing eye, therefore it should come as no surprise that the group is also considered to be behind world domination through infiltrating the world of banking and politics. Although, for obvious reasons, it is near impossible to identify who was a Freemason, it is thought that the founding fathers of America, Presidents of the United States, famous military and political leaders were all Freemasons. So, what do you think about Freemasonry? It is really just an exclusive boys club or is there more to it that meets the eye?

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