Friday, 8 April 2016

The Scientology $cam


“You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.”

A direct quote from founder of Scientology, Ron L.Hubbard, a science fiction writer who created his own religion which evolves around the evil alien overlord Xenu who bought his people to Earth 75 million years ago and killed them all, and the evil spirits (thetans) of these beings now stick to humans and cause spiritual harm. Naturally, the one way to save yourself is to become a Scientologist and move up the bridge of total freedom, which consists of many levels, all of which can only be accessed by attending courses which cost a hefty amount.  Coincidence?  This part of Scientology is notably absent from its official website, and this is due to the fact that this teaching is only revealed to those who have completed all of  the necessary extremely expensive courses beforehand.  Scientologists have tried hard to suppress this information from being leaked and it's not hard to imagine why when it reads like a bad science fiction novel. 

However this isn't the only reason Scientology has come under scrutiny, the church is often labelled a cult which uses manipulation and blackmail to extort money out of its followers and gain media and political influence. It is also believed Scientology targets celebrity recruits, the two most famous and outspoken being Tom Cruise and John Travolta, to endorse Scientology publicly in return for helping them in their careers. Cruise's infamous couch jumping episode on Oprah definitely ensured media interest in Scientology as has other events such as his wife's silent birth in accordance with Scientology teachings, and controversy surrounding the death of John Travolta's son.
It is also no secret that it's not easy to leave Scientology, with testimonies from 'survivors' outline the abuse they endured when attempting to leave, and mysterious disappearances of prominent Scientologists. Several conspiracy theories are floating around, perhaps the most disturbing being Operation Snow White, which resulted in Scientologists infiltrating the US Government in the 1970's to steal records on Scientology as well as money from the IRS and blackmailing government officials. What is perhaps more shocking, is that Operation Snow White was proven to be true, and  11 Scientology executives were convicted by the federal courts for their involvement, including the wife of Ron L.Hubbard. So whilst many think of Scientology as being the money-making religion of the rich and famous, evidence suggests its political and social influence are not to be underestimated. 

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