Thursday, 21 April 2016

An Inside Job

Was 9/11 an inside job designed to turn the world on Islam and Muslims? For some, the answer to that question is yes.

Theories have been circulating about the real events of 9/11 ever since it occurred. Some believe the destruction of the twin towers was a controlled explosion, and that the Jews were behind the attacks, with the 'evidence' being that allegedly not a single Jew had been killed in the attack, and that many facts didn't add up . However, a quick search for those that were killed during the events, proves this to be untrue. It perhaps comes as no surprise that these rumors were spread by Hezbollah's al-Manar and Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Several whistle-blowers have come out over the years to give a 'true' account of what happened on that fateful day. This, coupled with the fact that the United States have not fully co-operated with external investigations into 9/11 have only fed into conspiracy theorists minds. What gives this theory that 9/11 was an inside job more support, is that it is not limited to your 'typical' conspiracy theorists. Pilots, Architects and Engineers  have all spoken out against the governments version of events.

Questionable events include:

  • George Bush Seniors meeting with Salem bin Laden around the time of the attacks
  • Military conducting drills and exercises on 9/11
  • No pictures or videos of the plane that hit the Pentagon
  • Stock sale before 9/11 of United and American airline, the same airline as the planes that crashed
  • An Israeli-owned company was allowed 72 hours of unlimited and unsupervised access to the WTC properties the weekend before the attack
  • Days before 9/11, they got rid of bomb sniffing dogs that had patrolled the WTC since the 1993 attack 
  • The USA air defense system failed on the day
  • Was flight 93 shot down?
  • How were the hijackers allowed on board considering they would have been flagged up by computers due to being under surveillance for years
  • Did Bush allow it to happen so he could then invade Iraq with a valid reason and the backing of the country? 
  • and many more....
There have since been many documentaries produced which go into further detail on this conspiracy theory.  When faced with overwhelming 'evidence' it it understandable to see why many people are beginning to doubt the Bush administrations version of events which are unclear and because they are considered to have an agenda. This is further compounded by a poll which found 84% of Americans reject the official 9/11 story. Where do you stand amongst all of this confusion?

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