Monday, 11 April 2016

The HoloHoax

How can you deny the holocaust? This is no doubt the question that's running in your mind. However a global survey  found that 26% of the world harbored anti-Semitic attitudes, the greatest region being the Middle Eastern North African (MENA) which has a 74% rate. Furthermore, 32% of the global population believed the holocaust was either a myth or has been greatly exaggerated. The following table from the survey breaks down the views according to region.

It may come as no surprise that the Muslim world harbors a greater than average anti-Semitic view given it's history with Israel and Judaism. However, denial of the Holocaust is actually a criminal offense in almost 20 countries, which only fuels the conspiracy theorists.
The Holohoax theories vary in belief, but the most popular theories scale from denying the holocaust ever existed and was an inside Jewish Zionist conspiracy to garner international support for the Jews to claim Israel, to claiming that although it did occur, the death count and treatment of Jews is exaggerated, and some theorists even argue that Anne Frank's diary is a forgery and the gas chambers at Auschwitz didn't exist. Despite the overwhelming evidence arguing against these claims, there are still many who are in denial over the atrocities which occurred.

If you ever came across a Holocaust denier, what would you say to them? 

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